Total Football (Prototype)

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Title Screen
Total Football (Prototype)
Dump status Released
Dumped by NAPALM
Released by NAPALM
File release date September 6, 1995
Origin EPROM cartridge
Lot Old Scene (BBS)
Game Total Football
System SNES
Genre Sports - Football
Release date Unreleased
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A prototype of the unreleased Total Football for the SNES.


  • Developed by Domark, was to be published by Acclaim.
  • Miscellaneous Notes:
    • Game is emulatable: Yes.


  _____                                          _ __________          ______
 \\_   \       _ __________ _____________ _______   _       /         /    _//
   /    \_________        / \_     _     \      /   /      / ________/     \
  /      \      _/   ___  \  /     /     / ___  \  /      /__\_     /   _   \
 /        \     \    \     \/     ______/  \     \/      /    /   _    /     \
/    _     \     \    \    /      /  /      \    /     _/    /     \  /       \
\     \     \_    \   /  _/      /  /       /    \          /       \/        /
 \\____\          /__/   \______/  /_______/      \\________\\______/        /
        \        /   \_________ _          \_________ _            \        /mf
         \      /                                                   \      /
<-- [ GaMe\iNFo/MaTioN ] ---------------------------- [ GaMe iNFoRMaT\oN ]/-->
           \  /                                                       \  /
            \/     TITLE    : TOTAL FOOTBALL (Soccer)                  \/
                   COMPANY  : DOMARK
                   GAMEINFO : SNES/SMC/8M
                   DATE     : 09/06/95
                   SUPPLIER : Ol Dirty Bastard

<-- [ NeWs! ] -------------------------------------------------- [ NeWs! ] -->

 This month we'd like to greet and welcome a loyal soldier, Ol Dirty Bastard,
   who has just joined the ranks of Napalm.  He will serve his country well!

   The TerraDome is down for good, but were glad to report The Hoodlum will
     continue to be a loyal soldier of Napalm and remain in active duty.
  _______  /\  _______ /\  _____   ___  ___.
.-\___   \/  \-\___   \  \/    /__|   \/   |
|   /    /    \   ____/   \   /   |   \/   |
|__/    /______\   |/______\______|___||   |
- [SNES] ----------------------- [SMC/8Mb] -

See also

Read the article on this prototype on (Archive)