Duke Nukem Forever (Oct 8, 1996 prototype)

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Duke Nukem Forever (Oct 8, 1996 prototype)
Build date Oct 8, 1996
Dump status Released
Released by x0r_jmp
File release date December 26, 2022
Origin Build
Game Duke Nukem Forever
System PC
Genre Run n gun
Release date Unreleased

A prototype build for a scrapped sidescrolling 2D version of Duke Nukem Forever, released anonymously on the site 4chan.


                               x0r_jmp PRESENTS:

                      D U K E   N U K E M   F O R E V E R
                                    1 9 9 6

╔══════════════════════════════╣ RELEASE NOTES ╠══════════════════════════════╗
║                              ╚═══════════════╝                              ║
║ As some of you may know, Duke Nukem Forever began life as a side-scroller   ║
║ in 1996. This release includes four builds from that period of development, ║
║ including tools.                                                            ║
║                                                                             ║
║ Where possible, executables have been patched to run on modern systems. For ║
║ 16-bit Windows and DOS executables, DOSBox Staging and OTVDM are provided.  ║
║                                                                             ║
║ Unlike our previous releases, we have included a 'pre-patched' release in   ║
║ addition to the raw files and individual patches.                           ║