Duke Nukem Forever (Nov 8, 1996 prototype)

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Duke Nukem Forever (Nov 8, 1996 prototype)
Build date Oct 21, 1996
Dump status Released
Released by x0r_jmp
File release date December 26, 2022
Origin Build
Game Duke Nukem Forever
System PC
Genre Run n gun
Release date Unreleased

A prototype build for a scrapped sidescrolling 2D version of Duke Nukem Forever, released anonymously on the site 4chan.

This is possibly the last build of the 2D sidescrolling iteration of Duke Nukem Forever before it was scrapped and turned into an FPS.


                               x0r_jmp PRESENTS:

                      D U K E   N U K E M   F O R E V E R
                                    1 9 9 6

╔══════════════════════════════╣ RELEASE NOTES ╠══════════════════════════════╗
║                              ╚═══════════════╝                              ║
║ As some of you may know, Duke Nukem Forever began life as a side-scroller   ║
║ in 1996. This release includes four builds from that period of development, ║
║ including tools.                                                            ║
║                                                                             ║
║ Where possible, executables have been patched to run on modern systems. For ║
║ 16-bit Windows and DOS executables, DOSBox Staging and OTVDM are provided.  ║
║                                                                             ║
║ Unlike our previous releases, we have included a 'pre-patched' release in   ║
║ addition to the raw files and individual patches.                           ║