Dummy link
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Oct 11, 2010 prototype)
Build date |
2010-10-11 00:00:00
Build name |
Dump status |
File release date |
December 25, 2020
Lot |
Terarelease 1.0 (2020)
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
System |
Xbox 360
Genre |
Action Adventure
Final build |
US Oct 11, 2010
Release date |
US Nov 16, 2010
A prototype of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood for the Xbox 360.
- Compiled on the same day as final but only the .xex matches.
- there are some xex with build dates with some differences of a few days
- Original filename: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Oct 11, 2010) [Review]
- For some reason, there is also a file called "Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (Apr 28, 2006) [Review].rar" in the Terarelease 2.0. that corresponds to this build. This may be due to default.xex for some reason having this date although it is unknown if it has any direct relationship with the build
A huge thanks to Obscure Gamers and all who have contributed over the years to these Tera Releases!
See also
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood prototypes