Aeon Flux (Oct 11, 2005 prototype)

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Aeon Flux (Oct 11, 2005 prototype)
Build date Oct 11, 2005
Dump status Released
Dumped by Cut Into Fourteen Pieces
Released by CVLT OF OSIRIS
File release date August 11, 2023
Origin DVD-R
Lot Fleet Sets Sail Mega-Release
Dump method DiscImageCreator
Game Aeon Flux
System PlayStation 2
Final build US Oct 11, 2005
EU Feb 14, 2006
Release date US Nov 15, 2005
AU Mar 30, 2006
EU Mar 31, 2006
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A build of Aeon Flux for the PlayStation 2 from 2005-10-11 (same day as the North American release build).


  • The files on this disc are identical to the North American release build, but the disc was authored twelve days later.
  • The disc layout is slightly different, with SYSTEM.CNF being the first file and slus_212.05 the second file on the disc for the North American release of the game, but the order for those two files swapped on the disc for this review build.

As part of researching this disc, Cut Into Fourteen Pieces found several cheat codes that seem to have not been discovered previously.

  • The most interesting is BIGSTCK (bravo india golf sierra tango charlie kilo), which is hardcoded into the game's logic instead of referencing a string, and triggers a "Game unlocked!" message instead of "Cheat unlocked!". This cheat code sets the internal cheat flag bitfield to 0xFFFFFFFF, so it not only unlocks the features of all the other cheat codes (except FUN - see below), but would unlock any features that reference that bitfield but do not have associated cheat codes. It still does not unlock the last three outfits.
  • FUN (foxtrot uniform november): Enables a "Fun" value setting in the in-game cheat menu. If any other cheat code has been enabled, the "Fun" entry will be hidden. "Fun" was a developer setting in the 2005-06-27 prototype of this game, but CVLT OF OSIRIS members have been unable to determine what effect it has in either build.
  • OSCAR (oscar sierra charlie alpha romeo) or TREVOR (tango romeo echo victor romeo): Seems to disable any enabled cheat codes. New codes can be entered, but previous codes cannot be turned back on.

Because no cheat code enables the last three outfits, Cut Into Fourteen Pieces also created a PNACH patch file to enable almost all unlockables (except FUN and the intel capsules), included with this release.

// Unlock Almost Everything patch=1,EE,202d8624,extended,00831025 patch=1,EE,205c8738,extended,ffffffff patch=1,EE,20614edc,extended,ffffffff patch=1,EE,203308dc,extended,00000000

Previously known cheat codes for the release build of course work with this build:

  • ARMS (alpha romeo mike sierra): Unlocks Revelation outfits
  • BAGMAN (bravo alpha golf mike alpha november): Unlocks Action Movie in-game-cheat
  • BAYOU (bravo alpha yankee oscar uniform): Unlocks all episodes for replay
  • BLUR (bravo lima uniform romeo): Unlock War outfits
  • BUCKFST (bravo uniform charlie kilo foxtrot sierra tango): Unlock one-strike kill in-game cheat
  • CLONE (charlie lima oscar november echo): Unlocks unlimited health in-game cheat
  • CLOTHES (charlie lima oscar tango hotel echo sierra): Unlocks Monican Freya, Hostess Judy, Una, and Fashion Una outfits
  • CUTIONE (charlie uniform tango india oscar november echo): Unlocks free fatalities in-game cheat
  • FUG (foxtrot uniform golf): Unlocks unlimited ammo in-game cheat
  • GRAY (golf romeo alpha yankee): Unlocks Fame outfit
  • HEALME (hotel echo alpha lima mike echo): Unlocks Restore Health in-game cheat
  • JACKET (juliet alpha charlie kilo echo tango): Unlocks Bomber Jacket outfit
  • LCVG (lima charlie victor golf): Unlocks unlimited Power Strikes in-game cheat
  • MOVIE (mike oscar victor india echo): Unlocks Seed outfits
  • PIXES (papa india xray echo sierra): Unlocks all slideshows
  • TRIROX (tango romeo india romeo oscar xray): Unlocks God Mod in-game cheat
  • UKGAMER (uniform kilo golf alpha mike echo romeo): Alternate code to unlock Action Movie in-game cheat
  • URBAN (uniform romeo bravo alpha november): Unlocks Seed outfits (different cheat flag bit internally)
  • WHITE (whiskey hotel india tango echo): Unlocks Mrs. Goodchild outfits


See also