LittleBigPlanet (May 19, 2010 debug build)
A post-release debug build of LittleBigPlanet for the Sony PlayStation 3.
- Contains a full debug menu, and another extensive menu that can be accessed from the web browser on your PC by connecting to your PS3's IP.
- Various dev assets/levels and pre-release DLC assets can be found in the build.
- Revision for the build is br1r5_r41378.
- Special thanks to Chunky104, theclashingfritz (Prince Frizzy), Trevir (cellomonster), Ben Brown (HFMiles/hellfire2345), and RZXspyro for assisting with researching these builds.
LittleBigPlanet prototypes
PlayStation 3 |
PlayStation Portable |
LittleBigPlanet assets