Megadrive Emulator (Jan 15, 2001 prototype)
Build date |
Jan 15, 2001 16:44:53
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File release date |
Jan 10, 2017
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Megadrive Emulator
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A prototype of the unreleased Megadrive Emulator compilation for the Sega Dreamcast.
- Created by Sega of Europe, but never released.
- There are two text documents in the ROMs folder. ECCO.TXT appears to be a placeholder description for the ECCO.BIN rom. SONIC.TXT is actually a copy of the SEGA MEGADRIVE Frequently Asked Questions document written by Chris Foulger on Jun 26, 2000.
- Out of all the ROMs available in the ROM folder, only one file (WBOY5.BIN) cannot be identified as a legitimate Megadrive ROM. It doesn't appear to be byteswapped or a bad dump, but could be a copy of Wonder Boy V.
- There are 175 ROMs included in this build, which seem to all originate from the internet rather than Sega's own archives:
After Burner II (UE) [!]
Alien Soldier (J) [b1+1C]
Alien Storm (W) [h1C]
Alisia Dragoon (U) [!]
Altered Beast (W) (REV02) [!]
Animaniacs (E) [f1+1C]
Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika - Genchou Hishi (J) [!]
Arcade Classics (U) [!]
Bare Knuckle III (J) [!]
Batman (J) [!]
Bubba N Stix (Beta) [t1+2C]
California Games (UE) [!]
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (UE) [!]
Castlevania - Bloodlines (U) [!]
Columns (W) (REV01) [!]
Comix Zone (J) [!]
Dai Makaimura (J) [!]
Decap Attack (UE) [!]
Demolition Man (UE) [!]
Devil's Course 3-D Golf (J) [!]
Disney's Aladdin (U) [!]
Donald in Maui Mallard (E) [!]
Double Dragon (U) [!]
Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (J) [!]
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (UE) [!]
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (U) [!]
Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes (J) [!]
Dragon Slayer II - The Legend of Heroes (J) [!]
Dyna Brothers 2 (J) [!]
Dynamite Headdy (UE) [c][!]
ECCO - The Tides of Time (J) [f1+C]
ECCO The Dolphin (UE) [!]
Elemental Master (J) [!]
ESWAT Cyber Police - City Under Siege (U) [!]
Eternal Champions (J) [c][!]
F-22 Interceptor (U) (Sep 1991) [c][!]
Fatal Fury (U) [!]
Fatal Rewind (UE) [!]
FIFA International Soccer (UE) (M4) [f2]
Fire Shark (U) [!]
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (U) [a1][p1][!]
Forgotten Worlds (W) (REV00) [!]
Game no Kanzume Otokuyou (J) [!]
Gauntlet (J) [!]
Ghostbusters (W) (REV01) [!]
Ghouls 'N Ghosts (UE) (REV02) [h1C]
Golden Axe (W) (REV01) [!]
Golden Axe (W) (REV01) [h1C]
Golden Axe II (W) [!]
Gunstar Heroes (U) [!]
Hard Drivin' (W) [!] (two copies)
Hybrid Front, The (J) (Prototype) [!]
Ichidant~R - Puzzle & Action (J) [!]
Immortal, The (UE) [!]
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (U) [c][!]
J. League Pro Striker Final Stage (J) [c][!]
James Pond II - Codename RoboCod (UE) [!]
Journey From Darkness - Strider Returns (U) [c][!]
Jurassic Park 2 - The Lost World (U) [!]
Kid Chameleon (UE) [!]
Landstalker - Koutei no Zaihou (J) [!]
Landstalker - The Treasures of King Nole (Beta)
Langrisser II (J) (REV02) [!]
Legend of Galahad, The (UE) [!]
Light Crusader (J) [!] (two copies)
Lion King, The (W) [b1+2C]
Lord Monarch (J) [!]
Madou Monogatari I (J) [!]
Magical Taruruuto-Kun (J) [!]
Man Overboard! - S.S. Lucifer (E) [c][!]
Marble Madness (UE) [!]
Marvel Land (U) [!]
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (W) (REV00) [!]
Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (U) [b1]
Midnight Resistance (U) [!]
Monster World IV (J) [!]
Mortal Kombat (W) (REV00) [b1+C]
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (U) [c][!]
New Zealand Story, The (J) [!]
NHL 94 (UE) [!]
Nobunaga no Yabou Haouden - Lord of Darkness (J) [!]
OutRun (J) [!]
OutRun (W) [!]
Paperboy II (E) [b1+C]
Phantasy Star - The End of the Millenium (J) [!]
Phantasy Star II (UE) (REV02) [!]
Power Instinct (J) [!]
Pulseman (J) [c][!]
Puyo Puyo Tsu (J) (REV01) [!]
Quack Shot Starring Donald Duck (W) (REV00) [!]
Race Drivin' (U) [!]
Ragnacenty (J) [!]
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (J) [c][!] (two copies)
Ren and Stimpy Show, The - Stimpy's Invention (U) [!]
Revenge of Shinobi, The (W) (REV00) [!]
Revenge of Shinobi, The (W) (REV03) [!]
Ristar (UE) (Sep 1994) [!]
Ristar - The Shooting Star (J) [!]
Rockman Megaworld (J) [a1][!]
Rolling Thunder 2 (J) [p1+1C]
Samurai Spirits (J) [!]
Sangokushi III (J) [!]
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (W) [c][!]
Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi (W) [h3C]
Shining Force (U) [!]
Shining Force - The Legacy of Great Intention (J) [!]
Shining Force II - Inishie no Fuuin (J) [!]
Shinobi III - Return of the Ninja Master (U) [!]
Snow Bros. - Nick & Tom (J) [c][!]
Sonic 3D Blast (UE) [!]
Sonic Classics (UE) (REV01) [!]
Sonic The Hedgehog (W) (REV00) [!]
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (W) (REV01) [!]
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 (U) [!]
Space Harrier II (J) [!]
Space Harrier II (UE) [!]
Speed Ball 2 - Brutal Deluxe (U) [c][!]
Spider-Man vs The Kingpin (W) [!]
Splatterhouse Part 3 (J) [c][!]
Story of Thor, The - A Successor of The Light (J) [!]
Street Fighter II' Plus - Champion Edition (J) [p1][!]
Streets of Rage (W) (REV00) [!]
Streets of Rage 2 (JE) [!]
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [!]
Streets of Rage 3 (E) (May 1994) [!]
Streets of Rage 3 (U) [!]
Strider (UE) [h1C]
Sub-Terrania (J) [!]
Sub-Terrania (U) [!]
Super Baseball 2020 (UE) [!]
Super Bubble Bobble MD (Unl) [!]
Super Hang-On (W) (REV01) [!]
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (U) [c][!]
Super Thunder Blade (W) (REV01) [!]
Surging Aura (J) [!]
Syndicate (UE) [!]
Tanto R (J) [!]
Test Drive II - The Duel (U) [!]
Thunder Force II (U) [!]
Thunder Force II (U) [h1C]
Thunder Force III (JU) [!]
Thunder Force IV (E) [c][!]
Thunder Force IV (J) [t1]
Tick, The (U) [!]
Time Killers (U) [!]
Tinhead (U) [o1]
Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (J) [!]
Top Gear 2 (U) [b5]
Toy Story (U) [!]
Turbo Outrun (JE) [c][!]
Turrican (U) [c][!]
Urban Strike (UE) [!]
Vectorman (UE) [!]
Vectorman 2 (U) [b1]
Virtua Fighter 2 (UE) [!] (two copies)
Virtua Fighter 2 vs Tekken 2 (Unl)
Waialae no Kiseki (J) [!]
Wardner (U) [!]
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (U) [!]
Wonder Boy III - Monster Lair (JE) [f1]
Wonder Boy in Monster World (UE) [h1C]
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck (U) [!]
Wrestle War (JE) [c][!]
WWF Royal Rumble (W) [!]
WWF Super Wrestlemania (UE) [!]
WWF Wrestlemania Arcade (U) [!]
X-Men (U) [!]
X-Men 2 - Clone Wars (UE) [!]
Xenon 2 - Megablast (E) [c][!]
Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (U) [!]
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Megadrive Emulator prototypes