Bud Redhead: The Time Chase (Project "B") - (Alpha)

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Bud Redhead: The Time Chase (Project "B") - (Alpha)
Build date Around April 6, 2001
Dump status Undumped
Origin jpgs, gif files
Ownership Bojan Urosevic
Game Bud Redhead: The Time Chase
System PC
Genre Platformer
Final build Nov 18, 2003
Release date Nov 18, 2003
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Download Bud Redhead: The Time Chase (Project "B") - (Alpha) from external mirror

These early ALPHA photos were found on the Internet Archive, and are being put here as a preservation to the development of Bud Redhead - The Time Chase. At this time, around April 6, 2001, the game was called Project "B". It says it is a "working title", and by obvious assumption, the "B" in Project "B" must stand for Project Bud.


In the Forest level, the sky is completely black, with zero background. The level itself looks completely different in terms of geography too.

Egypt looks different as well, and it looks like a... piece of cheese collectable was in the game?

The bats in the Castle level are brown in this early-mid alpha. In the Castle windows, the sky is completely black.

The Spaceship level seems to have another set of coin collectables, which look dark brown.


Forest - https://hiddenpalace.org/File:Pbscrshot00.gif

Egypt - https://hiddenpalace.org/File:Pbscrshot01.gif

Castle - https://hiddenpalace.org/File:Pbscrshot02.gif

Spaceship - https://hiddenpalace.org/File:Pbscrshot03.gif

See also

Thankfully, somebody archived the page back in April of 2001, so we get to see the development of this classic game. - https://web.archive.org/web/20010410173842/http://www.space-ewe.com/index.html