Bloodborne (Alpha Network Test/TGS Build)
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Bloodborne (Alpha Network Test/TGS Build) | ||||||||||||||||||||
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The Bloodborne Alpha Network Test was a public Network Test that released in October of 2014, a whole 5 months before the game's actual global release date in 2015! If someone wanted to participate, they'd have to sign up to a select 30,000 people, (10,000 each for the US, EU, and JPN regions) and it only spanned for three days total for each region.(there was even an unused pkg file available for Hong Kong, but that was never released to the public) Only people that signed up to participate, and were randomly selected to recieve an invitation to download and play through the alpha during those three days could play the game. It was never available for public download past those few people. Even still, when starting the game after the the 3-day period was up, it would only display a message saying that the Bloodborne Alpha Network Test had concluded, meaning no one could ever play it again...
So if the servers are down, and the game locks you out, then how are we able to play it now? For one very interesting reason: This isn't the only build of this game tucked away in this demo.
Welcome to the beginner's guide on the Bloodborne Alpha!
This is an overview on what the Bloodborne Alpha actually is, the changes made to this version, how to navigate the various debug menus for the game, and the best ways to use these debug menus!
(As a sidenote, WARNING: DO NOT INSTALL UPDATE 1.02! I included it for completeness, but it removes the entirety of the canals, and the Gascoigne areas. It will also remove the debug patches, so it isn't a good idea to install it.)
(Also, Lance Mcdonald, who made all the patches to make this possible on the Alpha version of this game, has made a great video on some of the basics of the debug-menu, which I highly recommend watching:
If you do want to patch the game, there are instructions in each folder of what was changed, and how to change them yourself. If you want to build a pkg file, I recommend watching this video on how to do it: (starts at 4:03! Download his fpkg tools in his description to use for this))
(Also-also, this obviously requires that you have a Jailbroken PS4 to download and play FPKG files! FW 7.55 and lower can install and play this, as it's compatable with all firmware-versions that can be Jailbroken. If you need help Jailbreaking, I recommend this guide found here: (It says only 6.72 but works for up to 7.55 when using this website here: Just choose your version and click on HEN, pressing okay at every "there is not enough free system memory" error until it works for you!)
Table of Contents:
1: About
2: Changes made: Game mode
3: What is in each folder? Which version should I download?
3.1: Edited Fpkg Debug Enabled 3.2: Edited Fpkg Working Vanilla Game 3.3: Full Game Dump 3.4: Unedited Original Game Fpkg
4: What's Different Compared to the Final Game?
4.1: Warp Chairs! 4.2: Inventory Pause Screen!
5: Boot debug menu
5.1: Model_Viewer 5.2: Menu_Viewer 5.3: Title_Boot 5.4: Module_Test 5.5: Browser_Test 5.6: Gamescom_Boot 5.7: TGS_Boot 5.8: Betatest_Boot 5.9: Others
6: Playing The Bloodborne Alpha
7: Introduction to the BB Alpha Debug Menu
7.1: What is it, and how do I use it? 7.2: Root/Memory 7.3: Root/Log 7.4: Root/Performance 7.5: Root/Task 7.6: Root/Window
⦾ 7.7: Root/Resource
7.8: Root/Camera 7.9: Root/Scaleform 7.10: Root/Sound
⦾ 7.11: Root/GFX ⦾ 7.12: Root/System
7.13: Root/Resource
⦾ 7.14: Root/Parameter
7.15: Root/FRPG-NET
8: Root/Game
8.1: Root/Game/Chr Ins 8.2: Root/Game/Game Man Option 8.3: Root/Game/Event 8.4: Root/Game/GameData 8.5: Root/Game/Game Rend 8.6: Root/Game/ChrCam
9: Conclusion
10: Q&A
11: My Thanks!
1: About:
So what even is the Bloodborne Alpha? Why is this important? Why should I even care when we have the full game?
The Bloodborne Alpha Network Test was a public Network Test that released in October of 2014, a whole 5 months before the game's actual global release date in 2015! If someone wanted to participate, they'd have to sign up to a select 30,000 people, (10,000 each for the US, EU, and JPN regions) and it only spanned for three days total for each region.(there was even an unised pkg file available for Hong Kong, but that was never released to the public) Only people that signed up to participate, and were randomly selected to recieve an invitation to download and play through the alpha during those three days could play the game. It was never available for public download past those few people. Even still, when starting the game after the the 3-day period was up, it would only display a message saying that the Bloodborne Alpha Network Test had concluded, meaning no one could ever play it again...
So if the servers are down, and the game locks you out, then how are we able to play it now? For one very interesting reason: This isn't the only build of this game tucked away in this demo...
2: Changes made: Game mode
Inside the Bloodborn Alpha test exists not one, not two, but THREE different build main-menus of the game! They are:
The 2014 Gamescom Version: The 2014 Tokyo Game-show Version: And of course, the Network-Test version:
These are not the builds themselves, but the title screens that determine some in-game functions of how the game is played. Then using the regular network test, it will display that the test has ended, and not allow you to go any farther.
The Gamecom build was used at the 2014 Gamescom, and had a lot of differences compared to the final game, most noticeably the HUD (which the files are still present for in the Alpha) When booted up, it will boot up to the title-screen, and when enter is pressed, it will display that it's saving data, and immediately crash the game. The crash report states that a file failed to load, which means we can't play from this mode. (however, you can play through this mode if you enable it in, instead of TGS, and make no other patches to the game. Look at the Vanilla game "changes made" folder to see how to do this.)
So, the TGS mode is our last option. This was used at the 2014 Tokyo Game-Show. When this menu boots up, and enter is pressed, it brings you to the character selection menu, and after selecting, brings you into the Bloodborne Alpha, completely offline with one single online check, which doesn't actually boot you back to the main menu. This is what allows us to finally play this game again, bypassing the server-checks and giving us the full demo just like it was at the Tokyo Game-Show!
3: What is in each folder? Which version should I download?
Each folder contains a specific version of the alpha, and if patched, contains a txt file explaining each step taken to patch the game, what addresses were patched, and what each patch does. (There are pre-made pkg files with the patches, so if you don't want to patch yourself, you won't have to!)
• Edited Fpkg Debug Enabled:
This contains the debug pkg file, and the changes I made explained. Download this folder to get the Bloodborne Alpha with Debug Mode enabled, which is the one I recommend the most (There is a full guide on how to use it below, so don't worry!)
• Edited Fpkg Working Vanilla Game:
This contains the patched original pkg file, so that it boots into an offline mode, allowing you to play it again. This is the only patch made, so this gives the most authentic Bloodborne Alpha experience if you only want the gameplay.
• Full Game Dump:
This has the complete decrypted files for the game, which allows you to patch-in whatever you want, explore the files, and make your own pkg file from it. This includes the 1.02 update, which I don't recommend downloading, but is included for completeness.
• Unedited Original Game Fpkg
This is just the unedited, original game Fpkg, which is included for completeness in the release. This won't allow you to play, as the servers are down, but I wanted to include it so that every piece was included.
4: What's Different Compared to the Final Game?:
There were some very interesting discoveries made even back when the BloodBorne Network Test was first released. The player was meant to play up to the Cleric Beast, and then after defeating it, the demo would end. Most demos only contain very specific files, only meant for the player to access very little of the game. However, this was no oridinary demo.
There are barriers that block the player from entering the aqueducts below, as the developers only wanted players playing in that specific demo-area, but clever players discovered if they used the level geometry to their advantage, they could go into the aqueducts, and find armor, items, weapons, enemies, a complete whole new area, and a boss, that were supposed to have been unused in the alpha.
Here is someone performing this in the alpha:
Fromsoftware quickly got word of this and patched it out in their 1.02 update, delaying the third day of testing until they could release the patch. This made it a truly unique and special demo, even before getting it now, there was still a lot of beta-elements discovered before the full-game even launched!
There are a lot of small details that have changed between the Alpha and the final game, and too many to cover on this small list. One of the largest and most obvious is the old warping mechanic.
The final game uses Warp-Lanterns to warp from different locations to the hunter's dream, but this wasn't always the case. Project Beast (the original prototype for the game) used a completely different system, it is theorized, where you would insert a sword into a stone to warp, as shown here: (0.50 minute mark) But, this version has a much different warping mechanic...
• Warp Chairs!:
Warp Chairs are present in this version of the game, and were planned to be in the final game, until they were changed last-minute. They are not only present in the Alpha version of the game, but are also fully-functioning as well! (Thanks to Lance Macdonald for enabling this code!) You can shake the phantom awake, equivalent to lighting the lamp, so you respawn at the chair when you die, with it's own animation of the player getting out of the chair (you can see this in-game by shaking the phantom awake and dying, then starting the game with a new character. It will start you getting up from the chair) If you sit in the chair, the game will, like with lamps, attempt to send you to the hunter's dream. When this happens in the alpha, the game crashes, as the hunter's dream map was removed from the Alpha. There is also another large difference, not planned for final release, but present in the alpha to look at...
• Inventory Pause Screen!:
The inventory pause screen is also unfinished in this version of the game, and never meant to be seen by the player. This pause screen has been re-enabled in the Debug version of this game, (Thanks again to Lance's amazing work) allowing us to see the unpolished, unfinished pause screen in-action. the first thing you'll notice is that there is an additional magic slot present in this version of the game, most likely used for the hunter-skills that used bullets as MP in the final game. There is also a debug-option in this version of the game, that leads to more debug options that interestingly, was left in the final game:
This is just one of the many differences, large and small, that this game has compared to the final relese and there are so many more for the community to find!
Alright, different stuff is cool and all, but what about the good stuff, what about the DEBUG MODE!
Well, there's a lot to cover for the debug menu, too much to put on here as well, so I'll cover the basics, and the most important functions here:
5: Boot debug menu:
This is the main root boot debug menu for the game. You can move up and down the menu with the D-pad, and change pages by pressing left and right on the d-pad. You can select options by pressing X, back out of each menu with CIRCLE, and other functions will be displayed in each menu if they require different button inputs. This is booted up before any of the assets for the game are loaded in, and allows for booting into each title version, model viewing, menu viewing, and others. We'll go over each option and what they do, the most prominent by-far is the MODEL VIEWER!
This allows us to view almost every model and animation for those models in the game. After selecting this option, you're brought to six-pages worth of models to view. 1/6 has enemy models, including bosses and the Giant Amygdala hanging off the building. 2/6 has environmental models, like doors, chests, decor, messengers and a crow with full animations. 3/6 has weapon models and animations 4/6 has player part models, but no animations 5/6 just displays the loadlist and locations of the models, not much loads in here, but what does are present in the other sections already, so there's nothing new here. 6/6 has the skybox list, which can't be loaded in from the model viewer, so there's nothing here to do either.
When selecting a model, it will load up that respective model, it displays the other controls at the top and left of the screen, but some controls are not listed. The ones displayed are actually inverted controls: X means CIRCLE, and CIRCLE means X, so something like X + ← is actually CIRCLE + ←. Also, ← ↑ → ↓ are D-pad directions unless specified. The controls I found:
X on the menu = Select a model TRIANGLE = Loading in an additional model on top of another model. This becomes the currently selected model. X + L3 = Changing the camera mode. There are 4 camera modes to choose from, displayed at the top-left: RoundCamera, Roundcamera (ModelCenter) FixCamera, and FreeCamera. They all do what the name implies. ↑/↓ = changing animation ID CIRCLE + ↓ = Pausing the animation CIRCLE + ↑ = letting the model move with it's animation instead of staying stationary CIRCLE + ←/CIRCLE + → = advancing/rewinding the animation by one frame each press X + ←/ X + → = Turning the model left & right X + L2/ X + R2 = moving the model forwards or backwards. Usually this will just move the cloth and seperate the model and cloth. X + Left Control Stick = moving the model around on the grid plane. X + Right Control Stick = turning the camera, with the model turning as well. L3 + R3 = removing the current model loaded in (goes from last model loaded in, to first model loaded in)
The rest of the controls are standard flight controls with the different camera modes. Try it out, there's some really cool animations in here, as well as some early models!
(you have to select this one twice to get it to load.) This will diaplay two options: IngameMenu and FE. Ingamemenu shows you a still image of the character in the Forbidden Woods (which isn't even in the alpha game) with some text telling you how to open the in-game menus. The other, FE, displays a lot of icons, (most of which are placeholders from Dark Souls 2) and hud elements. When leaving this image, the menu won't display, so you have to press L3 + R3 to bring it back up.
This will bring you to the Bloodborne Alpha Network Test Boot screen, but will crash when any button is pressed, as this is just a test for the menu, not the real alpha menu itself.
This opens up three options, HavokAI crashes the game, naviMesh shows the grid and XYZ coordinate pointers, and HavokBehavior gives a menu that attemps to bring up character ID's, but I haven't found a single ID to work with this, so there's nothing of interest here.
This displays the browser in-game, and loads up: as a test function. pressing CIRCLE brings you back to the menu.
This will boot the Gamescom 2014 menu for the game. It normally works, and will work just fine when using the Vanilla Game Fpkg file, which boots the game into TGS mode with nothing else enabled (which is the same as the Gamesom title screen) But because of what we did to the file, when we press enter on the title screen, it will try to create save-data, then crash, as the game fails to be able to do so.
This is how we enter the Bloodborne Alpha for gameplay, we'll get back to this later
This will load-up the Network Test version of the game. This will work fine when using the unpatched Fpkg file, but will fail like the Gamescom_Boot with the debug menu, also because of the edits to this file.
•Stage_Select, Dungeon_Select, Debug_Movemap_Test, Movemap_Test, and Remote_Test all crash the game when selected (at least for me), so that completely covers the Boot-Debug menu!
That was a pretty cool menu, but I want to see the game in-action! Just tell me how to play the dang game already! We've covered some pretty awesome stuff already, but we've only just scratched the surface of this incredible demo.
6: Playing The Bloodborne Alpha
Going back to the above post, To enter the Bloodborne Alpha, when the game boots, press right on the d-pad, and pressing down once will take you to the TGS_Boot, which will bring you to the Tokyo Game-Show version of the main-menu, which allows you to finally play the game in offline mode! From here, just select your starting class, and wait for the game to load. If you haven't played Bloodborne previously, the loading screen teaches you how to play.
Once loaded in, you are now playing the Bloodborne Alpha TGS Demo, Which plays just like it did at Tokyo Game-show! From here, you can proceed to play through the demo normally, up to the cleric beast, which ends the demo when defeated. You can clip out-of-bounds by jumping over the bench as mentioned above: , or by flying over it using the debug menu, which we'll get to. From here we can explore the entire other half of the demo, fighting in the aqueducts up to Gascoigne, which we can also fight in this demo! We can use the pause screen thanks to the patch, and explore the area. There isn't really much else to do, other than the full-debug menu of course, and there's a TON of ground to cover for this.
7: Introduction to the BB Alpha Debug Menu
There is just too much to cover every part of the bloodborne Alpha, but I want to share what the menu is, how to use it, an overview of each section, and most of the big/most important-stuff I've come across using the menu. So without further ado, let's get into the biggest part of this game and why it's so incredible to play: The Full In-engine Debug Menu!
• What is it, and how do I use it?
A debug menu is the best thing possible to find in a game, as it contains most if not all of the developer-tools used for testing the game, which usually range from being able to move anywhere, changing the world and enemies, changing the graphics, adding items including unused items/equipables, and in the Bloodborne Alpha's case, All Of The Above!
The Bloodborne Alpha's debug menu can be accessed using the touchpad button, normally used for inventory and gestures in the final game. This can be pressed to access the debug menu at any time, including the boot-debug menu! You move through the menus with the D-pad, and press Circle as the Enter Button, X to cancel. (it's backwards from the boot-debug menu, so it may take some getting used to.) When you want to close it, press the touchpad again to make it transparent, and a second time to make it go away. This is the main Debug Menu from here we have a lot of different options:
Shows different Memory values used by the game and currently available. This is for viewing only, so you can't change any of these.
This secion is for logging, it has the option to load in a log file, but it doesn't do anything to my knowledge, so there's nothing really here of value.
All of the options here are in Japanese and untranslated. I don't speak Japanese, and I haven't seen anything changing in-game from changing these values, so there isn't really much to see here either.
Task Has one option, Yield Enable, which can be switched to Yield Disable. Not sure what this does, but I haven't noticed any changes changing this option.
Tries to change the game to windowed-mode by pressing SQUARE + CIRCLE. The PS$ doesn't support Windowed mode, so this menu doesn't really do anything.
Shows the current file-sizes for each animation, texture, model, sound, and every other file being used. There is also the Face-generator present here to make/generate faces after unequipping the mask. (Root/Resource/FaceGen Man/FrpgFgFgIns/Generate)
No options here, so useless
Also No options, so uselsss
You can enter the first directory, but after that there are no options, so also useless to us
All of the options to change how the world looks, and runs. You can unlock the FPS to 60 (which just makes the game go faster) Change the lighting, Antialiasing, add snow textures, and more! Most of the features are accessed through Root/GFX/Gparam/m24_01_0001 and selecting the different options using SQUARE + CIRCLE.
When you select an option, a new box will come up. Press the touchpad to make the debug menu go away, and you'll be selecting the box. There are special controls used on these:
Dpad ↑/ Dpad ↓ = moving through the menu CIRCLE = Enter L2/R2 + change slider values lower and higher SQUARE = Hold in to make the sliders move at higher increments Left Stick = Moves the window around Right Stick = changes the size of the window L1/R1 = Changes the currently selected window if multiple are open When using this to highlight a window, press X to shrink the window, then again to close it.
These are extremely versatile tools, You can make thae game look practically however you want! You can make bright pink shadows, intense fog, no fog at all, extremely bright or dark, almost anything! If you want to make the game look a certain way, if you play around in this menu long enough, you can do it!
Gives the current library of framework applications used to run the alpha and their current versions, and has various menu tests, most of which don't work, but some do, like seeing the Dark Souls 1 title and face generator screens (Root/System/Menu Man/Menu Man Dbg/title and Root/System/Menu Man/Menu Check/Start FaceEdit (Both only work on the title screen)
No options here, so useless
This gives the option to change every single parameter in the game, and even create new ones. There are a metric TON of folders within folders here, and pretty much everything is unfortunately in Japanese, so unless you know Japanese, you probably won't be able to know what you're changing here.
These are the network settings for the network-portion of the alpha test. Almost all network-related features are unfortunately disabled in the Alpha test, so most of these don't function properly.
8: Root/Game
Finally, saving the best for last, the Game section. This is the largest section by-far and the one you're going to use to change anything gameplay-related (so basically 99% of everything is in this section) This section has a lot of useless folders mixed in with important and useful things, so I'll cover the most important stuff that I've found here:
⦾Root/Game/Chr Ins
This is an extremely useful section that allows manipulation of the player, and other npc's. In ⦾Root/Game/Chr Ins/World Chr Man, you can choose between the player character, or the folder containing every npc that's currently loaded in (including bosses!) You can tell which you are selecting by the character selected being highlighted. When selected, you can disable gravity (⦾Root/Game/Chr Ins/World Chr Man/"character chosen"/Havok/No Gravity set to 1) make them invincible, not consume stamina or goods, set npc's to not walk or attack, and even take control of the npc's with the switch control player command. They can attack with all face-buttons, and trigger buttons, and can dodge with the d-pad. They can even be affected by the Debug-Dash Command! (we'll get to that one later)
⦾Root/Game/Game Man Option
VERY important section; allows you to enable/disable things in-game like events, enemies, and objects being breakable or not (enable/disable these before going into the game, so on the main menu for them to work) but the most important feature by-far, is the DEBUG-DASH Feature!
The Debug-Dash is an extremely useful ability, allowing for superspeed, flying, adjusting height, freecamera, and more! It's incredibly useful, and something I'd highly recommend using (and making your character invincible with the above section wouldn't be a bad idea either to negate kill-planes)
You can use this ability by changing IsPlaytestMode from ON to OFF. Now, you can enable debug dash by pressing L3! This will grant you some new abilities:
Super-speed is a default-feature, as well as quick stamina regen. You now have gravity disabled. Pressing L3 again disables this and re-enables gravity. L1 = Lowering player height L2 = Raising player height (both clip through objects) Holding R2 = ability to walk through solid objects
And finally, if you turn IsPlaytestMode_EnableFreeCamera after pressing L3 to enter debug-dash; Hold X, THEN press L3 to go into the free Camera, freezing time. Pressing those again stops movement and unfreezes time. Pressing them a third time will return the camera behind the player.
It's a VERY useful feature so it's definitely worth checking out!
When turning EventStop from Off to On while on the title screen, and booting the game, there are a LOT of changes that happen. New enemies spawn, the 2nd story of Iosefka's clinic becomes available, and some area assets spawn that don't otherwise spawn (like the starting ladder not being lowered, and pots spawning in the shortcut behind the cleric-beast) It also breaks some events since it turns them all off, like levers, picking up items, and other event-based actions. Highly recommend doing this once and seeing all the changes that occur in the game!
There are two folders of use here:
Player Game Data(16) (the first one) has a lot of extremely useful functions, like adding weapons, all items, armor, and even changing the player's gender! a lot of armors and weapons will appear invisible, they are still functioning, they just don't have a texture in the Alpha-Version. This allows you to use an unused weapon in the final game, and very early unused items as well!
Change Character Param: Lets you choose from pre-made player sets, like 5000 which turns you into a ghost! You can still add armor and weapons after selecting this as well, so it's very useful to test out all the different pre-made builds of the game!
⦾Root/Game/Game Rend
this allows you to enable/disable elements of the game world, like the map, characters, enemies, and sfx, all in-game in real-time! This can let you discover some additional things that are normally obscured, like the secondary warp chair a bit underneath the first on the top of the first ladder. Pretty useful.
This allows you to change some of the camera positional features, which can be useful for some great shots! Unfortunately a lot of the main settings will snap back to their originals, so will take some playing around with to get what camera position you want working. You can also enable some debugging overlays here for 3d positioning, which look pretty neat!
-And that's all for the very interesting stuff I've found! I didn't cover nearly as much stuff as there is present in this version of the game, so there's a ton more options to explore! Have fun exploring all the different options of the debug menu!
9: Conclusion
And that about it as far as explanations go for the Bloodborne Alpha! Thank you so much to all the fantastic support that people have contributed to making this possible, especially Zav1977 for dumping this gem, and Lance Macdonald for patching it. Without these two, we wouldn't have the playable Alpha that we have today.
10: Q&A
Q: Why is nothing showing up down near the aqueducts? no textures load and I just fall through the floor!
A: You may have accidentally downloaded patch 1.02, which removes everything in the lower sections of the Alpha. Try re-installing the pkg file and running with HEN or Mira instead of Golden HEN, as that will install the current patch from sony.
Q: I patched the game myself, started playing it and it's not working!
A: You might have installed the patch accidentally here as well, which removes all patches made to the eboot.bin. Make sure you refrain from installing that by using regular HEN or Mira. You might have also patched the wrong address or put in the wrong numbers. Double check to make sure everything is put in correctly.
-If you have any more questions, feel-free to ask me! You can reach me at: as sethmako
Reddit as TheLumpyBumpyPotato
Or Discord, as Ethan.Snyder98
-I'll add any extra questions people have here so other people can refer to them
11: My Thanks!
⦾ Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Apologies this took so long to get out! I wanted to be as thorough as possible before release, so I hope this was worth the wait!
⦾ If you're feeling super Generous and want to support the continued work I do, I do have a paypal you can donate to. It's my goal to release anything I can find in the most user-friendly way possible; I just want to help others, and I wanted to help everyone to be able to play this incredible Alpha for themselves. If you do want to help support me, you can donate here (but only if you really want to!) Paypal:
(If you decide you want to give back, I sincerely thank you, it really means the world to me. I'll even put some special thanks down here for you if you want me to :) )
I hope you all enjoy the Bloodborne Alpha as much as I do, it's an incredible piece of Souls-History, and I'm extremely happy that I was able to dump it for everyone. Enjoy playing through this amazing piece of digital history, and enjoy the hunt, it's going to be a long, debug-dash filled one tonight...
Back2Life's Addendum:
Lance Mcdonald has created a further patch found in the Image0 folder.
For anyone using the Bloodborne Network Test on PS4, you can use this eboot and .properties file to boot the game in proper debug mode. (Make sure you pick TGS boot from the debug boot menu for the game to work properly.)
Thank you so much to all the fantastic support that people have contributed to making this possible, especially Zav1977 for dumping this gem, and Lance Mcdonald for patching it. Without these two, we wouldn't have the playable Alpha that we have today.