Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm (Nov 8, 1994 prototype)

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Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm (Nov 8, 1994 prototype)
Build date Nov 5, 1994 13:17:45
Dump status Undumped
File release date October 26, 2019
Origin CD-R
Labels Beta Version 1.0 Demonstration Copy - Not for Resale
Ownership Hohle (2018-Present)
Game Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm
System Sega CD
Genre Platform
Final build US Nov 9, 1994

A late beta which appears to be mostly identical to the final release with the exception of the second track which is labeled data on the Beta, but audio on the final release. The contents of this track are different, as well.
